Thursday, June 10, 2010

Brand New

So I've been wanting to do this for some time now and decided now is as good a time as any. I'm sure no one will read this, cuz I ain't got a lot of interesting things to say, but whatever. I do it for me. I'll keep this first blog short. Just something for those who don't know who I am, or what I'm all about. I'm 31 years of age and the father to 3 beautiful children. Beautiful physically, attitude-wise, they're demons, each one of 'em!! 2 are my biological children, Jack Walker,4, and Jeorgia Alice, 1. Julia,9, is my step-daughter. They're good kids, just pains in my ass, as is with all kids, I guess! I have been unemployed now for the better part of a year. And what a glorious year it has been!! No, seriously, it gets old real fast. I am currently placing applications and leaving resumes as we speak, I need a job. I really need a job. I live in Somerset, MA. aka: "God's Country"! It sucks. The entire town is full of old farts and people who think they shit ice cream. It gets very annoying for a kid who grew up in a "project" and listens to death metal!! Ahhh, now we come to the part about me I love to write about, and could write or talk about it for hours and hours and hours.........METAL!! No, not iron ore, heavy fucking metal music!! If I wasn't a father, this would be what I would describe myself as, first and foremost, a metalhead! There is nothing better than driving down the street with the windows down, smoking a butt and Pantera blasting out of the speakers. "In turn, your making us....Fucking hostile!!!" Sweet, sweet heaven is what it is. Ever since I was 9, when I first heard "Appetite for Destruction", my motto has been if it's not loud, fast, or if your mama likes it, it's shit! Then came the Metallica/Megadeth years. Then my Misfit/Danzig phase. Then the Pantera/ Slayer years. I also went through an extreme-death metal period (that didn't last very long). Now, after countless CDs, mosh-pits, the occasional bloody nose, you would think I would be over it, oh but how wrong you would be! I love it more now, as an adult, than I ever thought I could love this terrible, devil-worshipping, ear- bleeding scourge that makes kids kill classmates and makes normal people shoot themselves with shot-guns! It is something that will be with me til coin that I pass to the ferryman's grasp. Well, enough about me for today, my internet time is coming to an end. Til next time boys and girls, keep watching the skies........Seriously, bird-crap stains clothes!

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