Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What a week and a half it has been! It is hotter than Hades outside! I can't take it. I'm a winter man myself. Always have been. The only thing that sucks about winter is driving in the snow, which at this point in my life, living in New England, I've grown accustomed to. You can always go inside if you get too cold and warm up. With no A/C, there is no escaping the heat. We put A/Cs in the kids' rooms for sleeping, so that means I sleep with Jack in his room and Jess sleeps with Julia and Jeorgie in their room. I have been spending a great deal of my days playing with the kids in their room with the A/C on. I'm sure the electric company is rubbing their hands together wishing this heat-wave continues for weeks!

I haven't done anything in my house, at all. Not even dishes, which I would do everyday. Now I let it go for a couple of days, or until I need a pan or a clean plate. I don't know what happened, I was on a roll. I painted the hallway, started prepping the kitchen to start painting in there, taking the wall-paper border down, taking the doors off the cabinets. Now I'm in a funk and I need to figure out how to get motivated again. I guess I'm worried about getting a job. That was another thing I did this week, I went on a job interview. I would say it went OK, but I haven't a clue. The guy was very hard to read. Normally, I can feel them out, which way they are leaning. "We're gonna hire this guy" or "Is this guy seriously thinking we're gonna hire his fat-ass!", I couldn't get a read on him so I'll just wait and see what they say when they call back. If they call back.

Monday! Monday was the big day. Danzig at House of Blues. And, before the show, he was doing a signing at Newbury Comics a few blocks away. So stoked!! The signing was at 3PM, so we needed Jess' mom to come to the house right after work, which she did. But she didn't want to stay late because she had to work the next day, soooo we had to have Jess' sister come over when she got out of work to relieve her mother. "Mother, tell your children not to walk my way". And she did. Babysitting details taken care of, we were off to Beantown! I brought a couple of beers and a couple of joints with me, for obvious reasons. I wasn't driving so it was fine, or so I thought. Had 1 beer on the way, when we got close to Boston, I sparked up. I only smoked half. Now I don't smoke like I used to, so I was pretty high from only half a joint. We get to Newbury Comics and it was a ghost town. I thought we were at the wrong store. We weren't. He was there. We walk in and there are signs everywhere saying "No photos", which sucked, but whatever. And that he was only signing the new CD, which, convienently was on sale for $10! Again, whatever. I was just happy to be in the same building as Glenn fucking Danzig!! I had no idea what I was going to say to this guy. I figured I would just wing it. "He's just a guy", I kept saying to myself. We're next in line, and my mind shuts down!! I walk up to the table he was at and.........nothing. Jess told me I said "How's it go?" WHAT!?! This guy is a legend! He has created some of my All-Time favorite music, and that's what I say to him, "How's it go?"!!! I couldn't believe my brain went on a smoke break at the most crucial moment in my music-life, thus far!! He signed my CD, I shook his hand, told him to have a good show, I think, and put my head down and walked out. Shame washed over me as I came to and realized what had just taken place. I tried to forget it and enjoy the rest of the night. We walked over to the House of Blues, but it was way too early, so we had dinner up the street. We ate outside, people watched, and the anticipation of the show grew, pushing that shame and awkwardness away. Damn you marijuana!! We finished eating so we walk down to the show. As we approach I notice dreadlocks walking past me. I glance over and before I can even formulate the thought, Jess says "Isn't that the singer from Shadows Fall?". Yes, yes it was. And I missed him. My chance at redemption walked behind the building. He was gone but shame and awkwardness returned. What the fuck?!? Anyway, the show starts, first band rocked, second band sucked, and Danzig was incredible! No Misfits set, but he played all my favorite Danzig tunes. It was awesome! I almost hit some dude who was fighting and throwing elbows to some drunk girl, but the rest of the night was cool. I wish I could do it over and rectify my fuck-up but it was still an awesome experience.

I still feel strange and weird in my own house. Thoughts still linger, imaginations run wild, and emotions are still all out of whack. I'm sure over time things will get back to some sense of order, but it's not happening soon enough. I still feel like...........I don't even know how I feel anymore.

That was my week. The good, the bad, the awkwaaaard!! I still love pot though, even if it did let me down.

Be dangerous and unpredictable, and make a lot of noise.

1 comment:

  1. that's funny. i think even if you weren't high you may have had an awkward moment. it's intimidating to meet a legend!! i'm glad you got to meet him though - and keep your head up, you'll find a job... we all will, someday :)
